The Radio.
For decades, an invisible bridge connecting people and their stories.
Nowadays it obviously seems quite outdated, barely appreciated when you’re driving, at the barber shop or others.
And yet, there was a time when it’s power to give emotions was considered “the future”.
Well, maybe part of that power is still there.
This celebratory sculpture is a gift for my friends at Radio Roma Capitale, a nice radio station in Rome especially keen on the stories of common people.
Like in the duality “past-future” typical of the radio itself, two souls coexist here.
The “vintage” one, represented by the old fashioned microphone as a symbol of the basic and essential 20th century’s technology.
And the “cutting edge” one, with the microphone’s bracket obtained by three dimensional parametric design, resembling a sort of plant growth guided by algorithms.
Downwards, on the okumè wood pedestal, a laser carved Mouth of the Truth, one of Rome’s most renowned symbols and logo of this radio station.
UV resin, wood, polycarbonate
digital sculpture, 3D printed in UV resin, chemically vitrified and finished using mica powder
size (width x depth x height):
200 x 200 x 170 mm
1,8 Kg
- outdoor installation
- light sensitive
- regular manteinance required
- fragile
Current status
exhibition mode:
physical artefact